CUSTOMER SERVICE  33(0)2 51 78 90 96 - From Monday to Friday 9h-12h30 / 13h30-17h30

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» Who are we?
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Medicare-HTM is a trading company that has been supporting the medical development of healthcare professionals since 1993. It constantly monitors technological and technical advances, and regularly provides healthcare specialists with development and innovation resources.

Our activity's natural evolution has lead to the marketing of our innovative research results on We select the most efficient ophthalmologic or dermatological products according to their clinical properties.

Company name


Legal status and social capital

Simplified joint-stock company

Managing director


Contact details

To send your orders and payment, or for any other purposes:
3 rue Alain Bombard
F-44821 Saint Herblain cedex

Telephone number

+33 (0)2 51 78 90 90



Siret no.

393 4862 906 00053

APE/NAF code
